Earlier this afternoon I had my first real checkup (there is one the day after, but that’s just a quick check to see nothing serious went wrong during the treatment) after my 3rd round of LASIK at Memira.
During this 3rd round, which was on October 18th, my left eye got corrected as well. (It’s still unclear both to me and to some people at Memira why not both eyes were corrected during round 2. I guess a case of miscommunication…)
In my opinion the 3rd treatment had no effect whatsoever: My left eye is still not as good as it should (could?) be, and I still see worse when using only my left eye, or both eyes (compared to using only my right eye.)
However, while I was waiting for the bus to Fredrikstad I noticed something even more disturbing: I see ‘less light’ with my left eye (compared to my right eye)…! 🙁
(Everything is noticeable darker when I use only my left eye, compared to when I use only my right eye. Not an extreme difference, but enough for me to notice by just covering an eye with my hand…)
I mentioned this to the optometrist who examined me but she could find no reason for this, nor for the lack of result of round 3 of LASIK. Instead I am now scheduled for appointments with 2 colleagues: an optometrist (Msc.) & a surgeon, 2 weeks from now. Let’s hope they can shed some light (no pun intended, unfortunately) on my eye-sight… 🙄
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