Memira – the saga continues…

(saga as in ‘long epic story’…)

Since it’s now about a month after round 2, it was time for another checkup at Memira in Fredrikstad.

For some reason, I was not met by my regular optometrist, but by another one. Not that I care, as long as they know what they’re doing… 😎
She read my file and I explained the current status (‘I see better with just my right eye than I do when using both eyes), and the first thing she asked was why I didn’t have both eyes done at round 2…
To which my reply was of course: ‘That wasn’t my decision, but yours…’
She’d check up with my ‘regular guy’ to find out why that had been decided, but she did agree that currently my left eye isn’t working the way it should and probably should have been treated during round 2 as well…
(She did not, however, measure the current strength at which my eyes are. Don’t know why… Wouldn’t that be an accurate way to determine why my current eyesight isn’t optimal?)

I guess/fear the next step will be a ’round 3′, and yet another visit to Oslo… I hope not though, because it will take me at least half a day (more likely a whole one).

I know their brochure mentions 5-10% needs the 2nd treatment, but it doesn’t say anything about that 2nd treatment being spread out over 2 sub-treatments and it being done at a different location…

I can still recommend refractive eye surgery to anyone though. These (minor) inconveniences/ramblings do not weigh up against the major advantage of not needing glasses anymore! 😉

Well, my ‘fears’ have come true: On October 18th I will have my 3rd round of eye surgery…

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