I came across an article in the web log of one of the renowned Dutch meteorologists, Piet Paulusma. In it he refers to a warning by Piers Corbyn, about a possible superstorm that could hit the United Kingdom & Western Europe in the 2nd half of November 2007. Corbyn bases his long-term forecasts on what is often referred to as The Solar Weather Technique. According to the web log of Mr. Paulusma, Mr. Corbyn forecasts the following for the Netherlands (and surroundings):
November will first experience a short period of calm weather under the influence of a high pressure area. However, this is the silence before the (first) heavy storm, which is expected between the 8th and the 13th of November. There is an 80% chance that this first storm passes over the Netherlands, with wind gusts of between 145 and 175 kms/hour (90 to 110 mph). After this storm there will be colder and softer periods exchanging each other while on the Atlantic Ocean a growing low pressure area develops. Around it various border depressions (I’m not a meteorologist so I may be mis-translating some of the specific terms…) form, and a very active cold front. The result of this can be described as a superstorm; a storm larger/bigger than the one from 1987 and from 1703. This superstorm is expected to hit between the 24th and the 28th of November. The accompanying deep trough lines will be able to cause hurricane strength. Wind gusts exceeding 200 kms/hour (125 mph) are expected! The chance that this storm passes over the Netherlands is also estimated to be around 80%. Because of the great instability of the atmosphere there is a chance of tornado’s. At the end of November this superstorm will slowly dissipate, while it will remain stormy and wet. In the beginning of December this will chance to colder weather with chances of snow.
I’m not sure what to make of this… I enjoy watching movies like The Day after Tomorrow, but somehow I doubt that there would be an actual superstorm hitting Western Europe anytime soon. But who knows…? Mr. Corbyn has a pretty impressive track record so far…
(I’m high and dry in Norway but I do have family members living in the coastal areas of the Netherlands, which is why this interests me)
Have come across this site as my intrest in long range weather forcasting blossoms. Although i cannot find any imformation regarding forcasts for Australia.
Could anybody please direct me.?
Hi, my name is disman-kl, i like your site and i ll be back 😉
Looks like there is an update available: http://www.lowefo.com/pdf/Storm%20update%2015.11.2007.pdf
The superstorm is still on the schedule…
Time:- 21:48
Date:- 17th November 2007
Message:- England hasn’t really been affected at the moment, it’s been very cold for this time of year, and there has been liitle rain seen in the south east where I live. I am not so sure as parts of Northern England and Scotland, but they have not been mentioned on the weather channel or the news. It is looking ok at the moments, Thalwan, Tornados are vicious, but with your recently built house it may have a chance of surviving the Tornado with its reinforcement. Good Choice.
I was shocked to hear this new as back in 2004 I was watching the 8 o ‘clock news and at the very end a last message was announced that NASA reported that NL would be hit by a very heavy storm in 2007 which would heavily damage Scheveningen and The Hague (serious floodings…). At that time I was shocked to hear it and always wondered…would it really happen? Now I hear about it again. I hop it ain’t the truth. I’m in Asia a couple of years already and actually in a rather quiet area where it concerns the weather. What I’m writing here is really not a joke. My wife can’t remember it though she was watching at the time as well.
Looks like he is right on the spot. I just came across this storm warning for western Norway which comes in effect late on the 8th and continues for most of the 9th of November.
Damn it i live in Groningen, so my place will be hit hardest due to the fact that its -3 meters bellow the sea level, thank god i have a brand new house(its 5 years old) and reinforced, i pretty much dont know anything about tornado’s due to the fact that we never have them here in holland