Finishing a chapter

Volumes_of_the_Encyclopædia_Britannica_(9th_edition,_1875–1889)9 years ago I wrote a blog post about starting a new job in Sarpsborg, at Omnicom AS.

And what (almost) 9 years they have been:

  • We moved twice into bigger, newer, better offices.
  • The number of employees has more than doubled.
  • A second office was opened (in Oslo).
  • MarkedsPartner (the subsidiary of Omnicom where most of my colleagues are employed) has become a force to be reckoned with when it comes to Inbound Marketing.

Finishing a chapter

But now the time has come for them and me to go our separate ways.
I’m going to miss my colleagues. I’ve learned a lot from them, and I hope they picked up a thing or two from me as well. I would like to thank each and every one of them for the time together. In some cases, this was as short as a couple of months, but many have been there with me the entire time.
(I could list all their names here, but out of fear of forgetting one, I won’t do that.)

What’s next?

I have nothing concrete yet on what I will do next but I am checking out some alternatives and considering options. Hopefully, I’ll land something in the region since commuting to/from Oslo on a daily basis isn’t too high on my wish list…

First a bit of R&R though. As IT-sjef I was ‘on the job’ more or less 24/7, and it sure feels good to go ‘offline’ for a bit, every now and then. 🙂

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