WaterRower assembly, take 2 – success!

When I got home I was welcomed by a package from Sport-Tiedje (Again the UPS delivery guy had the audacity to sign on my behalf, and abandon the package on my doorstep on my doorstep: the missing parts of my WaterRower! They had express-shipped them with UPS to me. Good job, Sport-Tiedje!

It took Jacob & me the better part of an hour, but then the WR110 was fully assembled:WaterRower WR110 WaterRower Natural Beechwood - fully assembled

WaterRower WR110 WaterRower Natural Beechwood - uprightYup, that thing takes up a couple of meters of floor space, but… it can be parked upright as well!

The plan is now to get up 30 minutes early each day (starting tomorrow) and get in a daily load of exercise. Haven’t decided yet on the weekends though…
Thanks to the City of Bristol Rowing Club I have a nice exercise plan to start with.

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