Twitter, and my ramblings there…

As you may have already noticed (or at the very least suspected), I am also active on Twitter. I signed up there back in 2007, March 7th to be precise, after having been invited by @jeffpulver. My first tweet contained basically this exact information:

Adding my info to Twitter after jeffpulver invited me to this service…

I started out very slowly: 3 tweets in 2007 and 4 tweets in 2008. In 2009 it began to take off: 67 tweets.
These numbers are nothing compared to 2010 (and 2011) however: hundreds of tweets. The exact numbers can be found in the archive of all my tweets, collected with help of Tweetnest. Later on I also deployed ThinkUp to organize and analyse my tweets. (this I’ve done only recently, so it may not have fully indexed and organized my tweets by the time you read this).

Most of the things I tweet probably hardly get noticed by anyone, although there are exceptions. On February 11th, 2011, shortly after I heard about the plans for a broad strategic partnership between Microsoft & Nokia, I tweeted the following:

All new #Nokia phones will have keyboards so that CTRL-ALT-Delete can be pressed when WP7 has frozen up yet again… #Nokia #CTRLALTDEL #WP7

That simple message got ‘retweeted’ (repeated) by at least 103 people, and even became quote of the day on E24

Right now I have 153 followers (click for up-to-date info), and I follow 165 people and organizations (click for up-to-date info).
Who I follow? It’s a mix of people I know from my time in the Netherlands (like @josk, @johnschnake, @andreasvz & @ralphtuijn), interesting organizations & websites (like @loesjeint, @mashable & @librarything), and even some celebrities (like @jerilryan, @realnichelle & @andersonrdean).
And who follows me? Well, basically a mix of people (some I know, some I don’t), and even a few celebs like @h_combs, @jerilryan, @realnichelle & @sheilaedrummer.

Why I follow the people I follow? Mostly because they either have interesting things to say, or I think they will have something interesting to say some day in the near or distant future.
Why people follow me? I don’t have the foggiest idea… Feel free to check out my tweets and judge for yourself… 😎

Who are the people behind the Twitter accounts mentioned in this post?

@jeffpulverJeff Pulver
@joskJos Kok
@johnschnakeJohn Schnake
@andreasvzAndrea van Zoest
@ralphtuijnRalph Tuijn
@jerilryanJeri Ryan
@realnichelleNichelle Nichols
@sheilaedrummerSheila E.
@andersonrdeanRichard Dean Anderson
@h_combsHolly Marie Combs

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