Castricum in Google Street View

After driving through many, many towns the Google Street View Guys finally arrived in Castricum, the town in the Netherlands where I grew up. Both Google Earth & Google Maps now have various streets of Castricum available, although they haven’t made it all the way to the street where I grew up yet, the Bachstraat. This crossing of the Oranjelaan and the Soomerwegh is as close as they’ve gotten so far. Other streets which are covered are: Zeeweg, Van Oldenbarneveldweg, Bakkummerstraat, Vinkenbaan, Ruiterweg, Prinses Beatrixstraat, Mient, and more.

Now I guess I just have to be patient, and sooner or later I can see the house of my parents there… 😎

2 thoughts on “Castricum in Google Street View”

    1. Hebben ze er een stuk afgezaagd? Ziet er erg asymmetrisch uit… 😎

      Did they saw off a part? It looks quite asymmetrical… 😎

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