Hi all!
Well, I just performed a good deed, IMHO… 😎
I had read a story (in English / in Norwegian) about the tsunami-disaster in Asia about a Sri Lankan baby which is claimed by 9 mothers as being theirs.
A quote from the CNN-article: The courts will decide the fate of Baby 81, who doctors say is between three and four months old. DNA tests are planned to determine whom, if any, among the nine claimants is the real parent. But the tests are extremely expensive, about $120, matching the average monthly salary of a low-level government bureaucrat and far more than a village fisherman might earn.
I passed this article on to DNA-Test Norge, a company which focuses on home DNA paternity tests, suggesting that it would be right up their alley, and good PR for them to maybe offer assistance here.
Today I got a reply from Mr. Rokstad from DNA-Test Norge which included a forwarded email to Mr. Jan Petersen at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in which they offered a free DNA test for Baby 81 & for all the women who claimed the boy as theirs so that can be determined who the real mother is! 🙂
Good job, DNA-Test Norge 🙂
UPDATE: There is a new article (in Norwegian) published on this matter in VG.
UPDATE: DNA-test Norge has today (january 25th) been in contact with the hospital where ‘Baby 81’ is. The medical staff thanked them very much for their offer and will pass it on to the court, who is to decide on the steps that will be taken to determine who will be the ‘official’ mother of the baby.
Dr. K. Muhunthan, the hospital gynecologist who has taken the Baby No.81 case upon himself, informed him that the baby is doing well.
UPDATE: On February 2nd, the courts will decide the fate of Baby 81, according to this article in VG. (Norwegian)
UPDATE: Today, feb. 2nd, a couple tried to kidnap the baby from the hospital, according to this article in the Telegraph!
Final update: On February 14th, a DNA-test confirmed the identity of the parents of baby 81.