2005. A new year has begun…

First of all: Best wishes to everyone. All my friends, enemies(?), and people I simply don’t know at all (yet).

The year 2005 has started in Europe with people wondering about the fate of family and friends who were visiting Asia during the terrible earthquake (which caused the tsunami) disaster.

Personally I don’t know anyone in the affected area (I think…), and I have made a (large) donation to the Norwegian Red Cross. This is all I can do, as far as I can see…

On a more positive note: I still work for Witelcom AS in Moss, and business seems to be doing quite well…

This means that I still travel every day to Moss by buss, together with the other ‘regulars’, like a Falck-employee, a Moss ‘Namsmann‘, and a dude who works for social services in Moss… 😉

My holidays I’ve been playing LOTR – the Battle for Middle-Earth a bit. Quite addictive! 😎

We also had the pleasure of Marianne’s brother and sister, Per Sigurd & Ellen Irene, visiting us. Ellen is still here and will be for the months to come.

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