Google Currents – enabled!

Move over, Flipboard! Google Currents is here to stay!

As of today, both & are also being published via/on Currents. Google Currents is a social magazine application for tablet computers released by Google in December 2011. It is currently available for Android and iOS devices. The application covers a variety of sources and offers a list of featured content that includes Forbes, CNET, ReadWriteWeb, and now the 2 above-mentioned sites! 😉

I’m not quite the expert yet in Currents Producer, so bear with me…
(Currents Producer is a web-based self-publishing platform whereby publishers can customize the presentation of their content on Currents)

Want to subscribe? –> –>
And if/when I ever get > 200 subscribers, I’ll end up in the Google Currents catalog 😎

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