Genealogical DNA test – approaching genealogy from a different angle

For the frequent visitors of the various sites it is no secret that I have been interested in tracking down my ancestors. At I have used PhpGedView to record the results. So far I have been able to track back to abt. 1725, the year I estimate that Jakop Meulie was born. Most of this info was collected at the Amsterdam City Archives. When we (my father and I) started searching, only a small part was available online, so we spent quite some time going through their paper records. By now more and more becomes available online, luckily.
However, the city archives have only so much… Before that, one needs to visit church archives and that’s where it gets kinda complicated… especially for someone like me who lives abroad!

This is one of the reasons I got quite interested when I heard about the Genealogical DNA test. A genealogical DNA test should enable me to find out more about my ancestors from a different angle: It can for example tell me whether my ancestors really are all from the Netherlands, or whether my family origin is elsewhere.

After some searching I came across Family Tree DNA, a company who will receive my swabs in 1-2 weeks and then hopefully give me some interesting results. I can hardly wait! 😉

2 thoughts on “Genealogical DNA test – approaching genealogy from a different angle”

  1. Pingback: DNA genealogical research: the first results are in!

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