Earlier this evening I had my 3rd (out of 5) basic theory lesson that will eventually allow me to take a driving exam, and hopefully get a license.
Here in Norway you first have to take 17 hours of basic traffic education before you are allowed to start your actual driving lessons. Trafikalt grunnkurs is what they call it. Most people start with that as soon as they’re allowed to, around the age of 16.
…which of course explains why all the others in my class are about 20 years younger than me! Not a problem, of course, but it was a bit weird the first evening… and the second evening… and the third… 😉
Since I don’t want to turn each evening into English class (I understand Norwegian fluently, but having a fluent driving-/road-related discussion in Norwegian is still beyond me), I try to limit my communication & class conversation to a minimum. Not that it is really noticeable, since the rest of the class seems to do the same, albeit for different reasons, I guess…?
Next monday it’s evening #4, with the emphasis on some basic first aid. So coming monday when I walk up Nøtteveien (Claudius trafikkskole, where I go, is in the same street as where I live), I guess I learn… how to apply a Band-Aid? CPR? How to perform a tracheostomy? (well, probably/hopefully not the last one…) 😎
More next week…
As I suspected the first aid was pretty elementary, but a welcome distraction from the usual way of instruction. Although… it’s not fun outside in -5C (23F). But it IS realistic in a country like Norway. It’s not always a nice 25C (75F) outside when accidents happen. Actually, it’s more likely it is not…