Hi all!
I’d just like to write a couple of words on Phonzo, the most recent addition to the group of IP-phone providers in Norway. Why? Well, Phonzo is an IP-phone company which really appeals to me:
- no registration fee
- no monthly subscription fee
- Free calls to other Phonzo customers
- your own normal (well, almost… The rate for other people within Norway to call you is about 25% higher than a regular land line, but still quite a bit lower than when they were to call a Norwegian mobile phone) Norwegian 8-digit phone number.
- Instant activation.
- Pre-paid.
- Windows client available, but since it uses regular SIP-protocols it will also function with any SIP-client under Linux, Mac, etc.
I would really like to recommend to all Norwegians (sorry, they don’t seem to accept customers from outside Norway currently) with broadband connections to check out Phonzo! 🙂