What is trigger “vulnerable_unverified” at Shodan?

The “vulnerable_unverified” trigger on Shodan indicates that a potential vulnerability has been detected in a system or device, but it has not been fully verified. This status means that Shodan has found signs of a known vulnerability, but further validation is needed to confirm its presence. Shodan, a search engine for internet-connected devices, uses automated […]

What is trigger “vulnerable_unverified” at Shodan? Read More »

Hva betyr ‘KAASKOP’?

Ordet “kaaskop” stammer fra nederlandsk og oversettes bokstavelig talt til “ostehode.” Det er en spøkefull og noen ganger nedsettende betegnelse som brukes av nederlendere for å referere til seg selv eller andre nederlendere. Begrepet har sin opprinnelse i den nederlandske kjærligheten til ost, som er en betydelig del av deres kultur og økonomi. Nederland er

Hva betyr ‘KAASKOP’? Read More »

Your account doesn’t support creating new files within Google Drive. You can still view and edit existing files. Learn more

Why do I get ‘Your account doesn’t support creating new files within Google Drive’ in Google Drive?

Are you, just like me, getting the following message in Google Drive? Your account doesn’t support creating new files within Google Drive However… I’m still able to create new files within Google Drive! Unfortunately I don’t know yet why this happens. I have a regular Google account, albeit with Google One. Google suggests the answer

Why do I get ‘Your account doesn’t support creating new files within Google Drive’ in Google Drive? Read More »

Jurassic World Dominion

Why do the closing credits of Jurassic World Dominion include a thanks to Bill Paxton?

If you got to this page you’re probably wondering, just like me, why the filmmakers of Jurassic World Dominion opted to include a thank-you to Bill Paxton in the closing credits. Turns out they’re not referring to the late movie actor Bill Paxton, but to a person with the same name who is the head

Why do the closing credits of Jurassic World Dominion include a thanks to Bill Paxton? Read More »
